Thursday, October 18, 2012

Getting Organized

I am a very organized kind of person.  I like to have things planned, and I feel that if I set goals I usually accomplish more than if I don't.  My dad always says, "If you're goals aren't anything, you'll accomplish them every time!"  Makes sense.

I also really love check sheets.  Does any one else love checking something off a to do list as much as I do? It gives me such a secret feeling of pleasure!

In my perusing of Pinterest, I've come across several sights that offer printables for staying organized.  Some creative people out there have even built an entire packet that can be used as a family planning binder.  They are very detailed and include pages for recording medical information, babysitter information, school information, and the list goes on.

Now, like I said...I'm organized.  But I am more of a simple kind of girl.  I don't really care to micromanage everything down to the last detail. I am happy with one sheet to keep me on track--a place where I can jot down some goals and "to do" lists.  Anybody else out there feel like creating and maintaining an entire binder would be a daunting challenge? Don't get me wrong...I highly admire those who do it, but I'm just not convinced that it's for me.

So I decided to create a set of printables that were more in line with my kind of organizing.  I'm excited to start using them!  I really like that an entire week is on one sheet.  I also like that I can plan specific goals for each month in different areas of my life.  Categorizing them reminds me to think and reflect on each one.  I plan on keeping my goal sheets posted on my refrigerator for easy access.

Here is what I created:

What do you think?

I've created a one year packet in colors that coordinate with each season.  The colors are as listed:

Winter: Teal
Spring: Purple
Summer: Green
Fall: Red

These goal sheets can be yours FOR FREE simply by commenting on this post.  Request an entire one year packet, a season packet, or really whichever of these you would like.  


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

My friend, Nicole, over at A Living Sacrifice posts a list of "top ten" things every Tuesday.  This blog series is called Top Ten Tuesday.  This week, in honor of Canadian Thanksgiving, she posted top ten things that she is thankful for in this past year.  You can read her post here.

Even though today is technically Wednesday, I thought I would join in the fun and also post a list of top ten things I am thankful for from this past year.

So here goes:

1. Marrying my best friend

2. New friendships

3. Encouraging church services/family

4. God's provision for our needs

5. A job within walking distance of my home

6. God's protection in a car accident

7. Seeing all of my family this summer

8. A great group of second grade students I taught

9. Babysitting Devin's 2 year old cousin

10. God's teaching me the importance of being in His Word daily.

What things are you thankful for? It's often easier to focus on what we wish would change instead of thanking God for the blessings that we already have through Him!